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Master Tung Acupuncture and Male Health

Course Title: Master Tung Acupuncture and Male Health

Instructor: Ivan Zavala (Cloud)

Target Audience: TCM and acupuncture practitioners and students that have at least completed 2 years of training on a TCM or acupuncture course.

Number of classes: 1

Duration (total hours): 3 hours

Language: English



While Chinese medicine has a well-known reputation in treating various gynaecological diseases, its role in treating Andrological condition is less known. Part of this is the popularity in the specialization of gynaecological illnesses, and another aspect is social stigmas surrounding Male reproductive health. We will explore how Chinese medicine conceptualizes the formation of Jing-essence, the storage of Jing, and the corruption of Jing. We will also showcase treatment of common diseases for practical clinical applications.


About Ivan Zavala (Cloud):

Ivan Zavala is the founder of Cloudgate Acupuncture and specializes in autoimmune disease and internal medicine. He was the Department Head of Foundational Theory and Advanced Diagnostics and professor at Chicago College of Oriental Medicine, where he developed and taught several foundational classes and advanced herbalism and acupuncture methodologies and diagnostics. Ivan is also an international lecturer in Latin America and Europe, where he teaches Shang Han Za Bing Lun and Classical acupuncture. As a practitioner and professor of Chinese medicine, his interests lie in treating severe and complex disease with direct insight and guidance from the Chinesemedical classics. Over the years, he has answered thousands of clinical and medical literature questions of practitioners from around the world, becoming a specialist in the illumination of the canonical corpus into practical application.



- Andrology from a Chinese Medicine perspective

- CM nosological diseases related to Andrology

- Important pathomechanisms in andrological diseases

- Distinction of Tung points that treat andrological diseases

- Pulse-based diagnostic distinctions in andrological diseases


Ivan Zavala (Cloud)​


1 class (3 hours)



class recording​

Slides pdf




Master Tung Acupuncture

and Male Health

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